With the New Year in mind and at heart, I’m celebrating my new natural silk scarves. Before making them available in the shop, I’m enjoying them myself (I have to test them out, right?) while on vacation. Today, I took the Wings scarf out and about on the streets of London—and it literally gave me wings!
I stumbled upon an extraordinary creative haven—Coal Drops Yard—and fell completely in love with it. True to my taste, it’s a perfect blend of old and new, where chic boutiques and cozy cafés seamlessly intertwine with the fluid, modern architecture. And as if the place hadn’t already charmed me, I was captivated by the floating homes on the canal, adorned with enchanting mini gardens. Like patches of wild grass breaking through concrete, these boats brim with life, often hosting unannounced visits from curious ducks and graceful seagulls.
This year, I’m embracing a brighter, bolder, and more confident version of myself—fully owning who I am and what I do. 2024 was a year of lessons, and I finally learned the most important one: self-love is the driving force behind everything. It’s the foundation for healthy relationships, happy children, a fulfilling professional life, and, ultimately, everything else that blossoms in life.
From this moment forward, I am releasing anything—and anyone—that fails to align with my values or respect the person I am am. And you know what? It feels liberating—it gives me Wings!