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A Can of Fruity Water, a Day’s work & The Photoshoot

I had the joy and honour of meeting Ștefan Marinescu at the FES 2024 event (click here to learn more about it). After an entire day of arranging paintings in the grand pavilion of the National Bank of Romania, getting ready for the event, I was suddenly overcome by an intense thirst. Not knowing where to find water (apparently, there were some hidden vending machines scattered throughout the “labyrinth” of the building, of what I found out later), Ștefan came to my rescue with a cold, refreshing, fruit-infused can of Aqua Carpatica water. It’s amazing how a seemingly small gesture can spark a friendship—how something as simple as a bottle of water at the right time can make such a difference!

And because he has a heart of gold (that’s just the kind of person he is), after the event, he offered to help me the next time I’d launched something new with a professional studio photoshoot. I took his offer seriously, and as soon as I launched the Alice silk scarves, I reached out to him.

The results? You can see them right here.

Shop the photographed designs-


Blessed Being | Wife & Mother of 2 Amazing Souls | Painter & Designer

“I’ve long decided to simply go with my heart and inspiration when creating my artwork (or maybe artfun?); I’m a non-self-judgemental artist, coming simply from my heart and love for the themes I work on.
I love learning and experiencing, so I’ve developed a varied palette of artistic and design skills- I have over 15 years of experience in graphic design, advertising concept art, children’s book design and, most dear to my heart, painting. I’m experienced both in traditional and digital art. I love helping out with any new project, but I’m also dedicated to my personal body of work.”

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