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The Calendar Art Collection

The Ispas Painting

100x160cm, acrylics on canvas

The Ispas painting in a modern setting

A custom specific to Sibiel, Mărginimea Sibiului is held on the day of Ispas. Children, young boys on decorated horses, and girls dressed in their traditional holiday attire, gather and surround the crosses (”troițe”) in the village, while singing this particular traditional song:

“Holy Cross, don’t go
‘Cause the young come with good horses
And maidens with crowns
And priests with prayers,
And the old with bows”.

This custom completes the service held on that day, for the Ascension of the Lord, for the commemoration of heroes and for the prosperity of the crops. All of the participants wear lovage bunches around their waists, the plant that on this day, through the consecration at the church, gains protective and abundance properties.


Blessed Being | Wife & Mother of 2 Amazing Souls | Painter & Designer

“I’ve long decided to simply go with my heart and inspiration when creating my artwork (or maybe artfun?); I’m a non-self-judgemental artist, coming simply from my heart and love for the themes I work on.
I love learning and experiencing, so I’ve developed a varied palette of artistic and design skills- I have over 15 years of experience in graphic design, advertising concept art, children’s book design and, most dear to my heart, painting. I’m experienced both in traditional and digital art. I love helping out with any new project, but I’m also dedicated to my personal body of work.”

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