As in the case of other holidays, Sântilie is also related to the celebration of a pre-Christian holiday, dedicated to the god of fire and the sun, worshiped to prevent various meteorological phenomena. The Christian calendar celebrates on July 20 the Holy Prophet Elijah, the only saint who ascended to heaven in his bodily form. More feared than loved, Sântilie is the patron saint of thunder and lightning, the one who binds and unbinds the rains, and decides where and when to hit the hail. Who doesn’t fright at the sight of a chariot with fiery wheels and winged horses plowing the cloudy sky?!
Saint Elijah marks the middle of summer, but also the middle of the pastoral season that begins at Sângiorz and ends with Sânmedru. This time of the year, “nedei” (specific fairs) are organized in the mountains, shepherds separate the rams from the sheep, medicinal plants are gathered and charms are made to keep away rain, hail, lightning and other forces of nature under the power of Sântilie.