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Sângeorz Large Abstract Painting

Sângeorz Large Abstract Painting


1 in stock

Sângeorz Large Abstract Painting captures the vibrant traditions of St. George’s Day, marking the start of the pastoral year in Mărginimea Sibiului. A stunning homage to Romanian heritage.

  • Acrylics on canvas, 100×160 cm
  • For all international shipping, The Calendar paintings can only be shipped rolled up.


1 in stock

Sângeorz Large Abstract Painting celebrates the rich traditions and mythology of St. George’s Day, marking the beginning of the pastoral year in Mărginimea Sibiului. Known as the “watchman of time” in popular legends, St. George controls the keys to the weather, opening and closing the warm season at his command.

On the eve of St. George’s Day (April 22), also called “St. George of the Cows” or “The Chosen One,” shepherds hold rituals to honor the start of the pastoral year. These customs include choosing the shepherds and lambs, preparing sheep for their first milking, and creating the first curd. The first milking involves ritual gestures, such as milking through a traditional bagel or a wreath of magical plants. These practices are believed to ensure the animals’ health and abundant milk production, blending sacred traditions with nature’s forces.

This artwork is part of The Calendar Collection, a series of 14 paintings inspired by the culture, traditions, and mythology of Mărginimea Sibiului, one of Romania’s most authentic regions. These works depict the most significant celebrations of the Romanian pastoral year, created in chronological order.

The celebrations of Mărginimea Sibiului reflect three cultural layers:

  1. Ancestral religion, now only preserved in fragments.
  2. Solar worship, inherited from the Mithraic cult.
  3. Christian traditions, where early Christian leaders adapted pagan customs (e.g., the Winter Solstice became Christmas, and a Thracian thunder god’s feast day became Saint Elijah’s celebration).

Discover more of our Calendar Collection or explore the mythology and traditions of Mărginimea Sibiului to connect with this remarkable cultural heritage.

Bring the essence of Sângeorz and the Romanian pastoral year to your space with this captivating abstract painting.


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