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St Paraskeva Large Abstract Painting

St Paraskeva Large Abstract Painting


1 in stock

St. Paraskeva Large Abstract Painting captures the essence of Romanian traditions, honoring the shepherds’ return and the spiritual significance of October 14th. A stunning tribute to heritage and culture.

  • Acrylics on canvas, 100×160 cm
  • For all international shipping, The Calendar paintings can only be shipped rolled up.

1 in stock

St. Paraskeva Large Abstract Painting celebrates the pastoral traditions and spiritual significance of October 14th in Romanian culture. This day marks the shepherds’ return to the village with their flocks. The sheep are carefully chosen and distributed to their masters, while the shepherds receive their well-earned wages. Weather predictions for the winter are also made based on ancient customs: if the sheep sleep tightly huddled together, the winter is expected to be harsh and long; if they sleep apart, the cold season will likely be mild.

Saint Pious Paraskeva is revered as a symbol of abundance and protection, believed to bring rain for fruitful harvests. She is also considered the patron of plowmen and the protector of waters. Icons of St. Paraskeva are often placed near rivers or wells, imbuing the waters with healing properties.

This painting is part of The Calendar Collection, a series of 14 works capturing the most important celebrations of the Romanian pastoral year. These paintings draw inspiration from the rich traditions, mythology, and culture of Mărginimea Sibiului, one of Romania’s most authentic regions.

The celebratory year of Mărginimea Sibiului reflects three cultural layers:

  1. Ancestral religion, preserved only in fragments.
  2. Solar worship, inherited through the Mithraic cult.
  3. Christian traditions, where early Christianity adapted pre-existing celebrations (e.g., the Winter Solstice became Christmas, and a Thracian thunder god’s feast day transformed into the celebration of Saint Elijah).

Explore more of our Calendar Collection or discover the mythology and traditions of Mărginimea Sibiului to deepen your connection to this remarkable heritage.

Bring the story of St. Paraskeva and Romanian traditions to life in your space with this unique abstract painting.


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